Saturday, 31 August 2019

Mordheim warband update #1: The Minotaur

Recently I decided to start collecting Beastmen for Age of Sigmar. This is something that I have considered for some time, but now I finally decided to do it. I am aimig for a smaller army (between 500 and 1000 points), because I don't have plans for expanding it as much as my Sylvaneth and Khorne armies.

However, this was also a perfect opportunity to create Beastmen warband for Mordheim. We were discussing that it would be cool to finally get some Mordheim games and I knew right from the start that I would play Beastmen. I already had some spare models lying around (Beastlord, Shaman, some Gors and Warhounds) but what I was lacking was - a Minotaur. I wanted a nice centerpiece model for my warband, but GW Minotaurs were simply... ugly. No really, they look funny and their poses are not so great. I did not like the old Mordheim Minotaur model as well, so I started looking for suitable replacement.

I found the perfect model at Zealot Miniatures - this company has a nice range of fantastic minotaur models. I ordered the one called "Berserk Minotaur" an it has arrived today:

The miniature is made from resin and is of very high quality. It was also very easy to assemble. The pose is great and the model is big - almost as high as the Kurnoth Hunter, but bulkier. Here you can see how this big bad guy looks like - I don't think I need to mention that painting this miniature is going to be so much fun!

Friday, 2 August 2019

Ylthari's Guardians

Today I have finished painting the last miniature from the Ylthari's Guardians warband. Now the warband is complete and I'm looking forward to my first WHU game (but I'll have to wait for it for some time, since my son was just born few days ago :) ).

I really like the look of Ylthari's Guardians - actually, they and Farstriders were the reason why I started looking at Shadespire/Nightvault sets. However, what I'm planing to do in the future is use these guys much more in our skirmish games, because they really have a lot of character (and if you add them a single Kurnoth Hunter, you get a sweet 250 point skirmish warband).

Here's how my Ylthari's Guardians look like: