Sunday, 27 October 2019

Painting Sylvaneth Endless Spells - Vengeful Skullroot

I am slowly getting my Sylvaneth Endless Spells done - last week I finished Vengeful Skullroot. As I have mentioned earlier, there's something strange with this model - it looks a bit too happy :D Jokes aside, I have the impression that, for some reason, this tree ended up being unintentionally funny. I expected it to have "creepy tree" kind of look, but instead it's a strange floating tree with skeletons dangling from it (the slight "curve" of the trunk and short branches are only contributing tho that look). However, I like the rules and how the painted model looks on the table. Below you can find a quick guide on techniques and paints used, in case that you want a similar colour scheme.  

Painting process:
  • The model was primed with GW Zandri Dust
  • Bark was washed Vallejo Brown Ink
  • Bark was drybrushed with Vallejo Khaki
  • Very light wash of Vallejo Sepia Ink was applied to the roots
  • The soulpod (?) inside the tree trunk was painted with Vallejo Livery Green and then washed with GW Hexwraith Flame
  • Leaves were painted with GW Moot Green, washed with GW Biel-Tan Green then highlighted with Vallejo Livery Green 
  • Skeletons were painted with Vallejo Khaki and washed with Agrax Earthshade
  • The base wash done using Gale Force 9 basing kit (Summer)

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Painting Sylvaneth Endless Spells - Spiteswarm Hive

Today I've finished painting The Spiteswarm Hive endless spell. It's a small model, that can be painted quickly and still look very good on the table (which is great if you're short on time). In case that you like this colour scheme, you can check out the guide below. Of course, the colour scheme is consistent with the rest of my army.
Painting process:
  • The model was primed using Vallejo white primer
  • Stone was painted with Vallejo Blue Gey Pale
  • Roots were painted with Vallejo Khaki
  • Both the stone and the roots were washed with GW Agrax Earthshade
  • Roots were highlighted with Vallejo Kkaki (mostly edge highlights)
  • Stone was drybrushed with Vallejo Off White
  • Hive was washed with few coats of GW Cassandora Yellow (over the white base)
  • Leaves and vines were painted with GW Moot Green, washed with GW Biel-Tan Green then highlighted with Vallejo Livery Green 
  • Very light wash of GW Hexwraith Flame was applied to insects/spites, and then they were lightly drybrushed with Vallejo Livery Green
  • The base wash finished using static grass and Gale Force 9 basing kit (Summer)

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

New army - Beasts of Chaos!

Ever since I first learned about Warhammer back in the 90s, Chaos was my favourite army (followed by Wood Elves). I really liked diversity of Chaos armies, but Beastmen were probably the most interesting. However, for some reason I never started collecting Beastmen and my two primary Age of Sigmar armies are Sylvaneth and Khorne. But recently I have finally decided to collect a small Beastmen army. In one of the buy/sell Facebook groups I follow, there was a deal that was too good to miss. So, few weeks ago, the mailman delivered all of the things on the picture below:

Besides Start Collecting set for Bests of Chaos and the latest Battletome, the deal included army dice, Morghur and Khazrak One-Eye! Since Warhammer Legends are a thing now, I will be able to play Morghur and Khazrak using AoS rules with friends who also have old(er) models.

Besides this, I have also ordered Beastmen Endless Spells and Herdstone. My plan for the Beastmen army is to keep it relatively small - I would probaby add one more Start Collecting set in the future and that's it (so I can effectively play 750 to 1000 point games). However, keeping things on a small scale would help me focus on converting and painting. Actually, one of the things that inspired me to finally start collecting Bestmen was J-P Miniatures page on Facebook: this guy has some fantastic Beastmen conversions and be sure to check his work! His Bestigors are great and I'll try to do something similar with my models. Also, since I love mixed Chaos warbands, I am planning to include some Chaos Marauder horsemen as allies. I know some may not agree, but I love the idea of corrupted humans working together with bestial mutants from the woods.