Below is the quick tutorial on how the Gladewyrm was painted, so you can use it if you like the colour scheme:
- The model was primed using Vallejo white primer
- The base was fully painted with GW Contrast Gore-Grunta Fur
- Light dryrush of Vallejo Khaki was applied to the base
- Light wash of GW Agrax Earthshade was applied to the base
- Skulls were painted with Vallejo Elffic Flesh, then washed with GW Agrax Earthshade
- Vines and leaves were painted with GW Moot Green, washed with GW Biel-Tan Green and then highlighted with Vallejo Livery Green
- The worm's chitionous plates were painted with Vallejo Hexen Lichen
- The "belly" and the head of the worm were painted with Vallejo Squid Pink
- The worm was then washed with GW Carroburg Crimson
- Chitionous plates were dlightly drybrushed with Vallejo Squid Pink, then edge highlights in the same colour were applied
- A layer of Vallejo Squd Pink was applied to belly and the face of the worm (leaving darker shade in the recesses)
- Belly and the face were highlighted with Vallejo Off White
- Eyes were painted with Vallejo Livery Green
- Glowing runes were painted with Vallejo Livery Green
- Gale Force 9 static grass and some tufts were added to the base