Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Beasts of Choas - Converting Bestigors

As I already mentioned in one of my older posts, Beasts of Chaos were the army I was looking at for a long time (probably since I discovered Warhammer in the late 90s). However, because of various reasons (and other games I played) I started collecting them only recently.

Since I mostly play 1000 point casual games with my friends, I decided to keep the army small, thematic and focus only on the models that I like the most ("prettiest Beastmen models" definitely sounds kinda strange). The plan was to build the most of the army from two Start Collecting sets and add a few exta things, like Doombull and Warhounds. However, I wanted to customize the army in some way and make it look "cool". The first thing I added was the Minotaur model from Zealot miniatures, that was already described here - it will make a great Doombull!

I also wasn't satisfied with the Beastigors. I like the concept (angry powerful Beastmen with big axes) but I'm not a fan of the poses. While searching for inspiration, I stumbled upon this page, where I saw a beatutiful Beastmen conversions - be sure to check it out, because this guy has is doing a fantastic job. Seeing JP's conversions inspired me a lot, so I decided to do something similar with my Bestigors - but I wanted MORE axes and spikes. So, I decided to order a lot of left and right arms from Blood Warriors set from eBay:

Then I started assembling the models. I am very satisfied with the end result - here are the pictures of my Bestigors:

Well, I like these Bestigors more than the original ones. I am now waiting on another set of Blood Warriors' arms, so I can convert the next unit. As soon as they are finished,  I'll post some pictures here.