During the past two months, I had a lot more time for painting than usual. However, since there was a lot of models/units that I wanted to paint, I decided to try a different approach - so I started working on multiple things at once. In the past, I usually focused on one thing at the time, but in some cases it wasn't a good approach, because sometimes you need an alternate project (or two) to break down the monotony a bit if you get "stuck" (or burned out) working on a particularly challenging model. Turns out that this was the right choice - and all of the models I'm currently working on are either finished or progressing nicely!
Here are some pictures of my Warsong Revenant - it was one of the models that was painted using this approach. I really enjoyed working on this model and it was done fairly quickly because I use my standard Sylvaneth coulour scheme. It's a great looking model and I can't wait to try it out once the new Sylvaneth battletome comes out.