Monday, 4 January 2021

Chaos Marauder Horsemen

Dusan from Warbrush studio has recently painted some more miniatures for me - this time, it was 10 Chaos Marauders Horsemen for my Slaves to Darkness army. I know that these models may look a bit "outdated" compared to the more recent miniatures (because this plastic kit has been around for a while and the general aestethic has changed), but I really like them a lot. Generally, I plan on using them in Everchosen, Knights of the Empty Throne and (of course) Ravagers lists, as a mobile unit that can take objectives quickly. It would be especially cool to have them along with Varanguard and Chaos Knights in all-cavalry Knights of the Empty Throne army (and I am planning to try that soon). Here's a couple of pictures:

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