As I mentioned already in some of my posts, Adeptus Custodes are one of my 40K armies - actually, they are my primary 40K army (besides Custodes, I play Necrons and Chaos Marines as well). However, due to my focus on Age of Sigmar at the moment, I haven't played a lot of games with my Custodes army (only a single one). I am slowly painting this army, usually when I want to take a break from painting AoS stuff (and the gold scheme is easy to paint). This year, I've managed to paint a unit of Allarus Custodinas and Vexillus Praetor shown on the pictures below:
As you can see, there's only the base left - I need to add some static grass and some bushes/tufts. If you like the colour scheme, here are the quick painting instructions:
- The miniature was primed with GW Retributor Armour spray
- Armour and Vexilla were washed with GW Agrax Earthshade, then drybrushed with GW Retributor Armour
- Armour and Vexilla were highlighted with Vallejo Polished Gold and Vallejo Silver (for edge highlights)
- Plumes were painted with GW Evil Sunz Scarlet, washed with GW Carroburg Crimson and highlighted with GW Trollslayer Orange
- Cloth on the Vexilla was painted with Vallejo Off-White, then washed with GW Contrast Apothecary White. Few highlights with Vallejo Off-White were added.
- Gems were painted with GW Moot Green, then Washed with GW Hexwraith Lichen and highlighted again with a bit of GW Moot Green and just a bit of GW Yriel Yellow
- Metallic parts of the armour were painted with Vallejo Chainmail Silver, washed with GW Nuln Oil and highlighted with Vallejo Silver
- Leather was painted with GW Contrast Gore-Grunta Fur and then highlighted with Vallejo Leather Brown
NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, all Vallejo colours are from Vallejo Model Colour range.
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