This morning, the long-awaited package from my local hobby shop finally arrived. If you read the title of this post - you already know what was inside this package: "Fury of the Deep", the latest 2-army box for Age of Sigmar. However, there were also two other items: datacards for Adeptus Custodes and the White Dwarf 472.
I ordered "Fury of the Deep" together with my good friend Dejan, who, after years of playing Warmachine, finally decided to try Age of Sigmar. He loved the look of the Fyreslayers (but he also loves melee-based armies) and I already have small Idoneth Deepkin army I wanted to expand (with more Thralls and Reavers!) - so ordering this box was just what we needed.
There are a few more things I ordered in January and I'm waiting for them to arrive. Last year, I decided to drastically reduce spending on miniatures and focus more on painting and playing (when I manage to find time to play). It was a great decision - not only that I am spending way less money on miniatures, but I also avoided buying things on an impulse (and I did that a lot in the past). Now, if I think that it would be cool to have something - I usually just sit on this idea for a while and eventually it turns out that I don't really need that. This happens most of the time - the amount of models that I am really interested in is actually fairly small; everything else are just things that are "nice to have". In the same time, it helped a lot that during the past few years I really focused on smaller number of armies that I really wanted to play and paint. Now I have decent collection for each of them and deciding what to buy next actually becomes a lot easier. I really do not expect that I will order any more minis for the rest of the year. The only exception to this could be some new Sylvaneth models - but I don't think that anything like that will happen.
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