Friday, 18 March 2022

Painting Lord of Change - WIP update #2

I have painted most of my Lord of Change during December and January, but I did not make any progress during the past month or so (mostly due to family obligations and focusing on a new job). However, recently I was able to set aside some time for painting, so I immediately continued working on Lord of Change. I really enjoy working on this model and I am very satisfied with the results so far. 

The picture above shows the last thing I worked on - the Staff of Tzeentch. I wanted to achieve the effect of the staff being materialized from the raw magical power and in the same time, tie the central part of the staff visually to the "flame" that was already painted on top of the staff. Originally, I wanted the staff to be just simple gold with green gems, but soon I realized that it does not look exciting enough if I leave it like that (and it would be a shame, especially on a model like this one). I am glad that I decided to do something different, because this looks way better. 

Here's how the model looks at the moment. It is mostly done, but as you can see, there are still some details I need to work on: claws, hands, gems and ornaments on the wings. I will probably change the Tzeentch sigil on top of the staff a bit. However, these are all fairly small things, so I should be able to finish everything very soon. I am also thinking about adding a few more details to the base - ruins with Brimstone horrors dancing around.

Hopefully, next update will have the pictures of a fully painted model!  

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