Recently, I have painted some more Stormcast Eternals models. I really enjoy painting Stormcast, because they can be painted fairly quickly and the models look very good even with a simple paint scheme. Even if you go for the basic battle-ready look (most of which usually involves just painting the armour and applying wash all over it) you should be able to get pretty good results. But if you spend just a bit more time, add a few highlights and work out some finer details, you will get some really beautiful models. Over the past 8 months, I was able to paint over 1500 points of Stormcast Eternals (which is pretty fast - for me). I wrote recently about how much I've accomplished by doing the work in small batches and this is especially true with Stormcast models, because once you are able to reproduce your paint scheme, you should be able to paint the whole army in no time. Also, the models are bulky and unit sizes are small, which also helps.
Below are the pictures of models I have painted recently.
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