And here it is - my Khorne army is now fully painted! This was my main hobby project for 2023 and I am very happy that I completed it. If you follow this blog, you were able to see how the the army slowly took shape, since I made several posts about it over the course of the year. My plan is to use this army primarily as Blades of Khorne army for Age of Sigmar, but I also want to play it as Daemons of Chaos army for Warhammer 40K and older editions of WHFB (and The Old World probably, since Daemons will get a PDF on release date).
Back in March, I wrote an article about dealing with my pile of shame (you can find the article here). In that article, I stated that the approach that worked for me was painting models in smaller sessions few times per week. For the past 18 months, this approach worked really well - and I want to keep it that way. Actually, it worked so well that I managed to paint quite a few models besides my Khorne daemons:
- Bastian Carthalos
- Knight-Vexillor with Banner of Apotheosis
- Lord-Imperatant
- a unit of Plaguebearers
- Chaos Knight Rampager
- Chaos Kinght Huntsman (almost done)
- Kairos Fateweaver (almost done)
- new Daemon Prince model (almost done)
As you can see, it's a mix of heroes, units and large models, which required a lot of work and different approaches. Some of these models were not featured on the blog - so I will fix that mistake and take some nice photos in the next couple of weeks. The models which are not fully complete are around 90% done - but I had to stop working on them in order to finish painting Khorne Daemons; I plan to finish Kairos and Daemon Prince by the end of January.
And now, here are some group photos:
I hope to be able to play my first game before the end of the January - I can't wait to see my models on the table. I'm a bit worried about AoS rotation that is likely to happen this summer (because I really like the new Blades of Khorne battletome and after seeing what was done to WH40K in 10th edition I don't know what to expect from the rotation). Anyway, time will tell - but I will try to get as many games as possible.
So, what would be the next steps for this army? I have half-painted set of Khorne Judgements and Skull Altar that I want to paint next. After that, I would like to add some more Bloodletters to my army - probably one or two units, but that's probably all I am going to add this year. However, I want to have a horde of Bloodletters at some point in the future! I think it would be fun and it would look great on the table - after all, that's how I'm imagining the proper Khorne army would look like. Another Bloodthirster and few more Bloodcrushers would also be nice - but not right now. I have already set my hobby goal for 2024 - but I that's something I'm going to cover in the next post. Until then, stay tuned and... Blood for the Blood God!
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