Tuesday, 16 April 2024

My Stormcast Eternals army (so far)

One of the armies that I play is Stormcast Eternals. I've always loved the idea of heavily armored warriors, but I've never liked the original Stormcast models that much. I always thought they were a bit comical and I also wasn't a fan of their proportions. Sarcosanct models looked a bit better, but for me - something was still missing. However, everything changed when I saw Thunderstrike Stormcast. These models had great proportions and looked way more menacing. I fell in love with Knight-Vexilor and Annihilator models as soon as they were previewed with the rest of the Dominion box. These models were also the reason why I started collecting Stormcast Eternals. 

And so, what started as a small army is now decent-sized Thunderstrike Stormcast collection based around Annihilators. I really love Annihilator models and the fact that you could play them as battleline in Knights Excelsior army made them even better! I have painted most of the models, but there's still a few  more units to go until everything is completed. The colour scheme I have chosen is variation of the Ghyran Guard scheme from the army book (and the idea behind the army is that these warriors are sworn to Alarielle and protect some of the Sylvaneth groves). This scheme is simple, but looks good on the table; I was able to replicate it easily and quickly paint full units - this gave me a lot of motivation to keep painting more. One thing that made these models really stand out were the bases. In this case, I chose pre-made "Temple" bases from GamersGrass. Below you can see how a finished Annihilator model looks like:

And now's the time for some "group photos" of the models that I have painted so far:

As I mentioned, there's a few more units I own that I haven't painted yet (including some more Annihilators). I am really looking forward to the new Stormcast models that will be introduced in 4th edition, because they are clearly the continuation of this aesthetic that I really like - dark, menacing warriors in heavy armor. I think they are going to be a great addition to my army :)

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