Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Painting Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-charger

Recently, I bought some Sacrosanct Stormcast Eternals models from a friend that decided to sell them because they are being moved to Legends. I was OK with that (I liked the models anyway and I don't play competitively); It was a small army (just a bit over 1000 points) and it was nicely painted as well. I especially liked the Sequitors, because I could easily play them as Liberators. However, there was one model that wasn't painted: Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger. 

I have always loved Stormcast heroes on Gryph mounts. I own Lord-Vigilant from the Skaventide box and I'm really looking forward to painting him. However, I think that Lord-Arcanum is probably the best-looking of those mounted heroes. The pose is really dynamic and there's a lot of interesting surfaces on the model (armour, cloth, skin, feathers, etc.). 

As I have already mentioned, Lord-Arcanum was the only model in this small army that was not painted, so I decided to change that immediately. I really enjoyed this paintjob: the model is interesting to paint and the painting scheme is different from my Thunderstrike Stormcast (I painted him to match the rest of the Sacrosanct models). Actually, I am so satisfied with the final result, that I believe this is probably one of the best paintjobs I've done this year.       

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